King Charles and Princess Kate are not alone. In terms of health issues, we can also define 2024 as ‘annus horribilis’. Despite that, we have much to be thankful for.
In the autumn of 2023 Luisa was diagnosed with Breast Cancer and by January 2024 had already had a mastectomy and was preparing to start a course of Chemotherapy.
The year has therefore been disrupted by very frequent visits to the Royal Devon and Exeter hospital where Luisa has received excellent and efficient treatment during the side effects and associated fatigue of chemotherapy, and the process of recovery. We cannot be more grateful to the staff there, and to FORCE, the cancer care charity that provides support both to patients and their families.
Luisa’s treatment has been successful. The chemo is finished and a course of a specific drug targeted at her specific form of cancer should come to an end in January 2025. She is currently awaiting a date for breast reconstruction surgery.
During our December Advent Candle series, Luisa shared her message of hope in the midst of cancer. Watch it here:
This does mean that the year saw role reversal. Luisa has been Victor’s carer for the past four years as he continues to struggle with Long Covid. Now we have learnt how best to mutually support each other while equally being immensely grateful for the love, support and prayers of so many family and friends. They have made a difficult journey easier.
Victor has been transferred to the Exeter Long Covid clinic. While their is no cure, the staff are excellent is helping him manage his symptoms – particularly focused around two key words, ‘acceptance and pacing’.
One of the massive benefits of our move to the country is being surrounded by nature. Even on difficult days we can look out the window and enjoy expansive views across rolling fields, and we like nothing better than spending time in the garden with Devon Nature Therapy.
The garden has been transformed over the year and the variety of flowers brings us considerable joy.
On better days we love to explore local beauty spots – and are even more delighted with the frequent visits of family and friends that can join us on these excursions.
Home improvement
The major project this year has been increasing the energy efficiency of the house with better insulation, new Heat Pump based central heating, solar panels and improved ventilation. In the new year we will be adding a battery array to the solar panels, helping to radically reduce our energy costs.
While we love the new efficiency and a somewhat warmer house, Luisa was particularly delighted with the removal of the old oil storage tank, giving her a whole new section of garden to plant and develop. Together we also installed a pond and water feature. The sound of the running water brings us great joy, along with the delight of watching the birds bathe there and preen themselves. Our bird feeders, front and back garden, are also very active.
Living in a holiday location the holidays come to us with many visitors through the year, all of them welcome. The trips on Dartmoor, visits to National Trust properties or the coast have been a delight.
Our holiday didn’t actually come until November when we spent two weeks enjoying Portuguese sunshine while visiting family and meeting our newest great-niece. While mainly based with Luisa’s sister in Cascais, we also had a chance to visit Tia Luisa and Joao in the North, our friends Eugenia and Mike at San Martin to Porto on the silver coast, and our niece, Lara and family who live in a lovely cottage an hour north of Sintra. We look forward to returning for a longer visit in 2025
Village Life
We never expected to retire in a village that dates back to Saxon times with picturesque thatched cottages, a 15th century church and a very village orientated pub that serves excellent food. Luisa has joined Northlew Needles, a wool craft group, while Victor now edits the village magazine and assists with the Facebook group. We also enjoy worship at St Thomas church, especially the services that follow the farming year along with Easter and Advent. It is a warm and friendly community.
Looking forward
While neither of us expected what the past years have thrown at us, but we are content and look forward to continued gardening, DIY, nature therapy, friendship and worship through the coming year.
Thank you for being a part of our adventure.
This website was neglected for several years and is in the process of redevelopment – so apologies that a number of pages still need updating and that photos may not be as recent as your might expect. Facebook is a better place to find those! The aim is to update the site over the next few months, so please come back regularly to see what progress we may have made! God bless and have a wonderful 2025.
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