Where we live

Post retirement Victor and Luisa moved to the idylic village of Northlew, just a few miles Northwest of Okehampton, Devon. On the northern edge of Dartmoor and only 30 minutes from Devon’s rugged north coast, it is an ideal location for nature orientated people. It boasts a 15th century church, a friendly pub, and a variety of clubs and social events, not to mention friendly residents.

Why the logo?


Luisa and Victor believe that life is an adventure. That is a value they passed on to their children and now their grandchildren. What started off with the grandchildren as Grandad Adventures somehow transmogrified in #grandalfadventures – partly due to Victors favourite walking pole and leather hat – not to mention the family sense of humour.

The name stuck and more recently developed into a logo as a result of a lovely iron sculpture given to Victor by the grandchildren. The logo is generated from a photo of the sculpture taken with a torch to emphasize the shadows.

The Iron Sculpture is by Szigigi

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About us

Victor is an international broadcaster, lecturer, trainer and minister. With over 42 years experience working in Britain as well as international travels across the world in North America, Africa, Asia and Europe, he brings with him a wealth of experience.

In addition to working as a church pastor in England, from 1998 until 2004 Victor worked with Adventist World Radio as director of the Global English Service. This role took him back to his roots as he started in ministry as a volunteer with AWR Europe back in 1979.

Based in Portugal at that time, it was also the place where he first met Luisa.  They married in 1981 and settled in England.  During the years he as also worked as a pastor in Birmingham, Teeside, Reading, Cornwall and Kent, taken responsibility as Executive Secretary for the South England Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and between July 2006 and December 2015 served as Communication and Media director for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland. 

His horizons expanded again in the autumn of 2015 when he was asked to serve as Director for Communication, Media, Publishing and Bible Correspondence Schools for the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists | Trans-European Division, a geographical area of the Adventist Church that covers 22 countries in northern and central Europe from Iceland down to Greece, and the Netherlands across to Finland, with the Balkans, Baltic States, Poland, the UK and Scandinavia in-between. 

Following a long journey with Covid he retired at the end of December 2021 but still continues an involvement  on a voluntary basis.  Read his reflection on his Long Covid experience here.

Victor has also hosted a variety of programmes for the international broadcasting network, The Hope Channel, and Revelation TV.  Hobbies include photography, enjoying the outdoors, DIY and roaming the Devon lanes on his e-bike.

Victor and Luisa portrait

Luisa loves children.  Before taking on the role of full-time, hands-on grandma, she worked as a nursery assistant with some 20+ children who got very excited every time they saw her.

She helps those churches working with children.

As a talented artist, crafts are among her passions – and she can turn her hand to almost anything.  In her spare time, she has also radically transformed our garden – that is her favourite passion, but she also has a craft room filled with crochet ideas, paper crafts, art – and a list to long to post here.

She also enjoys walks in nature, , reading, DIY, camping and interacting with people.

Both Victor and Luisa have a passion for ministry, for working with children and youth, and for seeing lives changed for the better.

family in park

The greatest joy for both of them is family – their three children and their partners, and three delightful granddaughters.

The children and grandchildren are very frequent visits to Northlew, a hub for what the grandkids like to call ‘grandalfadventures’.

They are now turning into avid video makers – gaining experience each time they visit and giving the family great entertainment and joy.

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