Physician, heal thyself

I had spent a couple of days desperately searching the house for an elusive hard-drive that I had not seen since we moved house in March 2023. It contains some important files that I really need.

After two days, and in desperation, I went back to one of the first cupboards I had searched and decided to remove absolutely everything in the hope it would miraculously appear.

And Voila! There it was, tucked in behind a large box as though it never wanted to see the light of day again.

I was so pleased. Not only did I find the important files I needed, but we also discovered a lot of nostalgia including a story adventure of Noah’s ark acted out by our young grandchildren. It was recorded for us during covid lockdown at a time when we were not allowed to meet up with them. A precious and cherished memory.

We also found two recordings that Luisa had made at the request of her local church. These were for part of their online worship at a time when all churches were closed.

The church asked Luisa to specifically record a video in one room of our house where she felt inspired. At the time she was sleeping in our spare bedroom since I had recently come out of hospital and was sleeping about 14 hours a day – and was pretty groggy the rest of the time.

Four years later, that message has turned out to be extremely meaningful, particularly as she is a little anxious about a medical intervention happening in a few days time. Indeed, it seemed as if she was preaching to herself with just the message she needed.

Her second message, again at the request of the church, took her out into the garden.

This is a place where we have always found some calm and peace. Nature has always been important to us, but in recent years it has become such a vital part of our lives that ‘nature therapy’ and ‘mindfulness’ were important considerations for our move to a small village in Devon.

This recording, again relevant and timely, was also recorded during covid lockdown in our back garden in Berkshire.

Sometimes it is good to back backwards as well as looking forwards with hope and anticipation to the future. The messages Luisa shared four years ago ended up as being a blessing for us today. For that we are grateful, and for that reason we share them with you. It is indeed a case of ‘Physician, heal thyself’.

Do you have memories from the past that encourage you today? Is that a memory that may encourage someone else? If that is the case, who will you share it with?

Until next time.

Victor & Luisa


5 responses to “Physician, heal thyself”

  1. Rosemarie Plimmer avatar
    Rosemarie Plimmer

    Two good messages, especially for this week. Who would have thought, in those dark difficult times, that your message would resurface especially for you now. So very special.

    1. Thank you. It was certainly an encouragement to us both.

  2. How AWESOME is the GOD we serve, full of Grace & Mercy! I re-echo your sentiments Luisa. The sunrise is so inspirational as it is a daily God given gift to be used by us to bring Him honour and glory for all He does for us. We blessed to know Him! We have nothing to fear indeed!

    1. Thank you, and your sunrise, sunset and moon photos are always an inspiration to us.

  3. Thank you, and your sunrise, sunset and moon photos are always an inspiration to us.

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